Chalabalova, Brno - Kohoutovice
Pekárenská 4, Brno
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lightning. Two housing units in the attic, reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats, reconstruction of cellarage, reconstruction of a flat in the ground floor
Flat superstructures in Pavlovská 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 20, 19, 21, 23, Brno
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting, fire ventilation. Reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats. Investor - MSU s.r.o., Průmstav a.s., approx. 80 new housing units.
Private houses and flats
For private investors, construction and developer companies: complete deliveries of electro-installations, lightning conductors, light-current circuits, we provide LV connections including inspection reports, public lighting for areas assigned for construction of private houses.
Fryčajova 10, Brno
A complete electro-installation, computer net, Tvs, inspections, lighting, connections. Registered office of Kopřiva – revitalizace panelových domů s.r.o.
Měnín, lokalita Zlatý potok
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lighting conductors, inspections, lighting, connections.
Investor MSU s.r.o. - private houses, public lighting.
Axmanova 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, Brno
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting, fire ventilation. Investor - MSU s.r.o. - 28 new housing units in superstructure. Reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats
Moravské Knínice
A complete electro, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting. Two housing units, 7 apartments, construction yard and company background.
Block of flats Adamcova, Filipova 20, 22, 24, Brno
Adamcova - A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting, connections. Architect ing.arch.Jiří Placheta, 25 new housing units, cellars, garages. Filipova - A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting. Investor - MSU s.r.o., 14 new housing units in the superstructure. Reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats.
Jiráskova 5, Brno
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting. Architect ing.arch.Jiří Placheta, 3 housing units in the attic superstructure, reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats, reconstruction of cellarage.