Photogallery of references

Chalabalova, Brno - Kohoutovice


Pekárenská 4, Brno Pekárenská 4, BrnoPekárenská 4, BrnoPekárenská 4, Brno



Pekárenská 4, Brno
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lightning. Two housing units in the attic, reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats, reconstruction of cellarage, reconstruction of a flat in the ground floor


Pekárenská 4, Brno Pekárenská 4, Brno Pekárenská 4, Brno Pekárenská 4, Brno

Pekárenská 4, Brno Pekárenská 4, Brno Pekárenská 4, Brno Pekárenská 4, Brno



Flat superstructures in Pavlovská 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 20, 19, 21, 23, Brno
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting, fire ventilation. Reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats. Investor - MSU s.r.o., Průmstav a.s., approx. 80 new housing units.


Bytové nástavby Pavlovská Bytové nástavby Pavlovská Bytové nástavby Pavlovská Bytové nástavby Pavlovská



Private houses and flats
For private investors, construction and developer companies: complete deliveries of electro-installations, lightning conductors, light-current circuits, we provide LV connections including inspection reports, public lighting for areas assigned for construction of private houses.


Rodinné domy a byty Rodinné domy a byty Rodinné domy a byty Rodinné domy a byty

Rodinné domy a byty Rodinné domy a byty Rodinné domy a byty Rodinné domy a byty



Fryčajova 10, Brno
A complete electro-installation, computer net, Tvs, inspections, lighting, connections. Registered office of Kopřiva – revitalizace panelových domů s.r.o.


Fryčajova 10, Brno Fryčajova 10, Brno Fryčajova 10, Brno Fryčajova 10, Brno



Měnín, lokalita Zlatý potok
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lighting conductors, inspections, lighting, connections. Investor MSU s.r.o. - private houses, public lighting.


Měnín Měnín Měnín Měnín



Axmanova 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, Brno
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting, fire ventilation. Investor - MSU s.r.o. - 28 new housing units in superstructure. Reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats


Axmanova Axmanova Axmanova Axmanova



Moravské Knínice
A complete electro, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting. Two housing units, 7 apartments, construction yard and company background.


Moravské Knínice Moravské Knínice Moravské Knínice Moravské Knínice



Block of flats Adamcova, Filipova 20, 22, 24, Brno
Adamcova - A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting, connections. Architect ing.arch.Jiří Placheta, 25 new housing units, cellars, garages. Filipova - A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting. Investor - MSU s.r.o., 14 new housing units in the superstructure. Reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats.


Adamcova Adamcova Filipova Filipova



Jiráskova 5, Brno
A complete electro-installation, light-current circuits, lightning conductors, inspections, lighting. Architect ing.arch.Jiří Placheta, 3 housing units in the attic superstructure, reconstruction of main residence wiring and circulating area of the block of flats, reconstruction of cellarage.


Adamcova Adamcova Filipova Filipova

Adamcova Adamcova Filipova Filipova